
Salvatore Vallone, affectionately known as 'Toto' to his friends and relatives, spent his days as a farmer on a modest farm in the countryside of Palermo. It was the strength and determination of his wife Vincenza that pushed him towards a new life, especially after the arrival of their first sons, including young Pasquale. And so, with a heart full of hope and the courage of those who seek new opportunities, the family decided to move to Tuscany, a land that Salvatore's brother-in-law spoke of with passion.

The choice of Tuscany was dictated by the vicissitudes of his brother-in-law, who during the dark years of the war, after a lucky escape from a prison camp, found refuge and shelter among the rolling hills of Siena. Fascinated by the beauty of the area and in love with its people, the brother-in-law convinced Salvatore and his family to leave the Sicilian countryside and seek their fortune in this new Tuscan homeland. With their hearts full of hope and the desire to build a better future, the Vallone family bought an estate near Radi, a place that would become their new refuge and a source of dreams to nurture.

In the fertile Tuscan countryside of Pociano, the Vallone family began to build a complete farm dedicated to cattle breeding, cheese production and the production of oil and table wine. Toto proved to be not only a skilful farmer, but also an active member of the local community, working diligently to contribute to the development of the village.

Despite his untimely death, Toto managed to leave a legacy of values and passions that still guide the Vallone family's choices and actions today. His son, Pasquale, inherited the passion for agriculture and viticulture and continued to cultivate the lessons and love of the land passed on to him by his father. Even as he embarked on a successful career in banking, he never forgot the deep roots that bound him to the family farm and the fascinating territory of Montalcino.

It was during a branch transfer in the early 1990s that Pasquale came into contact with the vibrant economic and social reality of Montalcino, an encounter that would profoundly mark his destiny. During those golden years of Brunello di Montalcino, Pasquale developed close ties of friendship and collaboration with the locals, opening new doors and opportunities for his future.

In 1996, during a day's hunting with a close producer friend, Pasquale learned of the availability of land for sale south-east of Montalcino. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for, a unique chance to realise his dream of creating his own vineyard. With the support and enthusiasm of his beloved family, his wife Piera and their children Francesca and Federico, Pasquale bought the uncultivated, wooded land and gave life to a project that would change their lives forever.

The hectares of vineyards quickly took shape, as Pasquale devoted every spare moment to tending the vines and making his dream a reality. With the invaluable help of his brother Gaetano, an expert cellarman, Pasquale produced his first Brunello di Montalcino Terre Nere in 2002, a wine that told the story of a family and the tireless work of a man determined to make his dreams come true.

The passion for Montalcino was so deeply rooted in Piera's heart that they spent their wedding night within the ancient walls of the town. The enchanting view from the window of their hotel room remained etched in Piera's heart and she couldn't wait to return one day to explore these enchanted lands.

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Terre Nere



Ettari Vitati


Produzione Annua


Street Address

Località Casato, 17 - 53024 - Montalcino(SI)

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